Category Archives: saving money

Great Volunteer Opportunities During the Holidays

Great Volunteer Opportunities During the Holidays The holidays are the time of year when we are the most giving. Traditionally the “giving” during the holiday season takes the form of gifts for friends and family. But there is another way that you can “give” and it doesn’t cost a dime… Volunteer.

Although the holidays are a time of giving, it is also important to help those around us who might not be able to have the giving holiday that we are blessed to have. Not everyone will have a big holiday meal, parties and holiday presents.

While many of us may not be able to volunteer during the year do to our our busy work-and-family lives, surely we can make some time during the holidays to lend a helping hand to those less fortunate. If you or your family want to do something worthwhile during your time off from work and school the following are places that can always use help… especially during the holidays.

The Salvation Army – Each Holiday Season, The Salvation Army provides thousands of meals for needy families across the country. Almost 3.4 million people of all ages volunteered their time, talents, and resources to assist The Salvation Army’s work in 2012. With the help of volunteers, traditional Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners are served to all who attend and are home-delivered to home-bound individuals. Volunteers are always needed to set up, serve, clean and usher at Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners, and to deliver holiday meals to families and shut-ins. Children under 18 may volunteer if accompanied by an adult. Many of the Salvation Army units across the country list their volunteer opportunities through Volunteer Match. To get involved, just visit the Volunteer Match website at and search with keyword “Salvation Army.”

Find a Food Bank – For many people like the elderly, sick or homeless, cooking is an highly difficult chore. Image the holidays without a delicious meal… If you are someone who loves to cook, check to see if you have a local food bank, I bet you do, to see if you can help out with cooking or the home-delivery food program. Without at least one delicious meal, the holidays can feel so isolating and lonely.

Hospice – In case you never heard of Hospice, they provide care in an end-of-life setting, relieving and preventing the suffering of patients. Hospice care also involves assistance for patients’ families to help them cope with what is happening and provide care and support to keep the patient at home. You can contact your local hospice organization to see if you could help with meal delivery or other services during the holidays.

Firefighters, EMS and Police – While it’s unlikely that you will be able to volunteer in one of these professions, there is still an opportunity to give. All of our emergency services are there when we need them, 24/7. There are thousands of people working every holiday to keep us safe. In doing so, many of these emergency worker are missing the holidays with their families. Something to consider is to make a meal or even just a dish of some sort and deliver it to your local fire house, police or EMS station. This toke of your thanks will be appreciated more than you can imagine.

These are just a few of the volunteering ideas that you can take part in this holiday season. If you are having trouble finding a place to volunteer, visit and search for volunteer opportunities in your area.

During this holiday season start a new tradition, the tradition of volunteering. puts volunteering into a great perspective “Helping others kindles happiness, as many studies have demonstrated. When researchers at the London School of Economics examined the relationship between volunteering and measures of happiness in a large group of American adults, they found the more people volunteered, the happier they were, according to a study in Social Science and Medicine. Compared with people who never volunteered, the odds of being “very happy” rose 7% among those who volunteer monthly and 12% for people who volunteer every two to four weeks. Among weekly volunteers, 16% felt very happy—a hike in happiness comparable to having an income of $75,000–$100,000 versus $20,000, say the researchers. Giving time to religious organizations had the greatest impact.”

The Cheapest Way to Buy Your Kids Great Clothes

The Cheapest Way to Buy Your Kids Great Clothes

The Cheapest Way to Buy Your Kids Great Clothes

When it comes to buying kids clothes it sometimes seems like you just can’t keep up. Kids grow so fast that often it feels like you just bought them clothes and they have grown out of them.

If you are on a strict budget or money is tight, it can be difficult to buy the clothes your kids need without spending a fortune. But with a little planning and some smart shopping you can outfit your kids without having to mortgage the house. Let’s take a look at the cheapest way to buy your kids great clothes:

  • Use the Internet. Online stores, even the major retailers, have bargains on clothing that you just can’t get at a brick and mortar store. The downside to shopping online is that you are unable to have your kids try on the clothes before you purchase them. One trick is that if you are interested in a particular item, you can find it locally and have your child try it on at the retail store to make sure you know what size to purchase… and then make your purchase online.
  • Ebay. Sometimes overlooked for kids’ clothes, ebay can be a good source for great deals on clothes. Often times you can get new, with tags clothes at a considerable saving.
  • Buy a size bigger. This might sound strange at first, but think about it. You can buy shirts and pants a little bit bigger making the clothes last all that much longer.
  • Clearance is your friend. Make sure to always check the clearance racks when you go clothes shopping. Many a bargain can be found lurking in the clearance section.
  • Thrift stores. This is a favorite of my family. My wife shops for most of her and our kids’ clothes at the thrift stores. You can find designer labels for kids and adults at astounding savings.
  • Swap with friends. If you have friends that have kids close to your kids’ ages, or the same age, consider getting together and swap clothes that are still wearable but just outgrown by your kids.
  • Yard sales.  Another great way that solves the question of the cheapest way to buy your kids great clothes is to search out yard sales. You just might be pleasantly surprised to see how much you can save when buying your kids clothes at a garage or yard sale.
  • Think ahead. Consider buying new winter clothes for your kids at the end of winter when all of the stores are having sales to clear their inventory to make room for the next season of clothes. Make sure you buy a size or two larger so when the time comes to wear the new sweater or jacket, it will fit.

It doesn’t take a whole lot of effort in order to save a considerable amount of money when buying clothes for your kids. With a little work you will be able to find…

The Cheapest Way to Buy Your Kids Great Clothes


Budget Tips for Every Couple

Budget Tips for Every CoupleBudget Tips for Every Couple

Budgeting as a couple doesn’t have to be a battle… as long as you both agree that you need a budget — and you need a budget!

Not every couple wants to make a budget.  They feel that things are going just fine, “I have my money, she has her money, we put money in the money jar for household bills, and everything is great”.

Some people find it hard to move from worrying about your own financial needs to matching the needs of your spouse.  Make a date to sit down and discuss and draw up your budget.  The following are some budget tips for every couple, steps to take in order to set up your budget.

  • First-Things-First.  The first thing you should do is to determine your household needs. This would include things such as your mortgage or rent, groceries, utility payments, car payments, and any other debt payments. There is always room to save on these items… you can buy a less expensive car, rent or buy a smaller place or cut back on your groceries. These are the responsibilities that must be met before you start to budget for luxury items.
  • The Money Jar.  If you have decided not to put all of your respective money into one joint account, and prefer to keep separate accounts, it’s a good idea to open an account to pay your “joint” expenses.  One way that works for many couples is to agree on a percentage of their income to contribute to the joint account.  Granted, it is likely that the dollar amount that each partner contributes will be different, but being able to keep a percentage of your earnings works for many as there is no conversation or negotiating required when it comes to buying items that you desire.
  • The White Board.  This is to some of you I’m sure, a strange idea, but bear with me… Communication is the key to a successful relationship and money, or more importantly arguing over money, is at the top of reasons relationships fail.  A White Board will serve as an important tool to illustrate exactly how much is coming in and how much money is going out.  You will be able to see exactly how your budget is working, with no hidden surprises. You will have a section for your income and a section, typically much larger, for your regular monthly expenses.Another section on your White Board should be Non-Monthly Expenses.  This Non-Monthly Expenses section will be sectioned by month, for the entire year.  The non-monthly expenses are expenses that you anticipate but don’t occur on a regular or monthly basis.  For example: Holidays / Birthdays, auto tag renewals, property taxes (if you are not escrowed), quarterly payments for car insurance, life insurance, etc. or any other expense that doesn’t occur monthly.  Leaving out this category will dramatically change your budget.

     budget tips for every couple

    Image: Montana State University

  • Goals.  There’s no doubt that everyone has a financial goal. Whether it is buying a new house, paying off a credit card or loan or purchasing a new car. No matter what your personal goal is, you can achieve it by following these budget tips for every couple and sticking to it.
  • A Year’s Worth.  This should probably be in the “Goals” section but I think it is so important that I wanted it to be by itself.  If you can budget your money properly by following these budget tips for every couple, and adjust your savings, you should have a goal to have in reserve one year’s worth of your household expenses.  Should an unforeseen financial tragedy strike, like the loss of a job, you will have the money in savings to pay your bills without incurring any additional debt.  As you start to save for your “years’ worth” you will begin to feel a sense of security knowing that should something come up, you’ll be okay.

Budget Tips for Every Couple

It is important to implement these budget tips for every couple early on in your relationship.  It will take some time to get your budget running smoothly.  Don’t be afraid to adjust things where needed.  Once you get your budget working efficiently you will be relieved to know that you are in control of your finances and that you are becoming more and more financially responsible as time goes on.

There will always be that unexpected financial speed bump but take solace in the fact that you are ready to face any financial obstacle.

How to be Recognized as a Leader at Work

How to be Recognized as a Leader at Work

There’s no doubt that becoming a leader at work can be a quite a challenge. You have the aspiration to be a leader but you don’t have the title of Leader… Yet.  So, how do you make yourself standout at work and have management recognize you as a leader?

While there are many ways to be recognized as a leader at work, below we will explore a few ways to position yourself as a leader without being too obvious about your ambitions.

— Take Charge & Responsibility — If you want to be a leader at work you have to take charge… even when you have not been “officially” given the task of leader. It is important to take responsibility for the good things that you and your team make happen as well as the bad.  It is okay to admit your mistakes.  You not only have a hand in the success of a project but in its failure as well.  True leaders take charge as well as responsibility for the work that is being done.

— Be Goal Oriented — You must understand your company’s vision of the project or business as a whole, and keep it at the forefront at all times. Set obtainable goals for the work you are doing and share your goals with management.  Make the success of your organization more important than your personal interests in advancement.

— Mentor New Employees — To be recognized as a leader at work often involves recognizing when your fellow workers need help or more instruction in performing their assigned tasks.  Be especially aware of new employees or employees recently assigned to a new position. These employees will likely need some help with what to do and how to do it.

— Recognize Opportunities — Many people think or say that “you have to create your own opportunities”, and that’s just not true.  There are opportunities to lead everywhere you look, and you need to keep an eye out for them.  Something that will be sure to get your noticed is taking on the work or project that no one wants to do.  Complete the project, in a timely fashion and with great ability and you will surely be noticed.

— Have Vision — All great leaders have a clear vision of where they want to go and what they want to accomplish, explicitly related the organization. However, vision by its self is not enough.  Competent leaders not only have a vision but are able to develop and put into action a plan for success.

— Have Humility — Leaders recognize that we are all human. They do not put themselves up on a pedestal, but instead treat others the way they would want to be treated and will work to support the hard work of a group. A humble leader will be receptive to new ideas and realize that they are not the only one that can make a difference.  A good leader will listen and explore suggestions from other team members.

— Speak Your Mind — Don’t be afraid to share what you think and to be more assertive. Share your ideas without caring what others might think of you. The more you are true to yourself, the easier it is to be more confident in who you are.

— Engage Your Bosses — Participate and become active with people above you. As you build relationships with management and executives, your confidence will grow. Don’t be intimidated by their title or position, it is important for you to start seeing them as your equal.  Soon they will be treating you as such.

— Be a Mediator — Conflicts in the workplace can be between two employees, an employee and a client or between a leader and a worker. The key is to face the issues and help work to a resolution.  The worst thing that can happen when it comes to conflicts at work is to ignore what’s going on.  When attempting to resolve a dispute between others in the workplace, you must focus on the activities and the facts of the situation. Avoid making a snap judgment based solely on your assessment of someone’s character or comments.  Be sure to address any issues in private.

It is important that you are able to recognize the difference between selfless business leadership and the kind of leadership that just seems to happen by accident.  You must make your ability to grow and develop yourself as a leader, a deliberate pattern of success… not an accident.

I hope these few ideas will provide you with some insight on how to be recognized as a leader at work.

How to Start Saving for Your Kid’s College

How to Start Saving for Your Kid’s College

Saving for your child’s college education is literally an investment in his or their future. Even if your children are very young and college is a long way off, it’s a good idea to start saving as soon as possible.

“…try the “rule of three” when you start saving for your kid’s college.”

Many experts recommend you try the “rule of three” when you start saving for your kid’s college.  The “rule of three” creates three sources for the financing of your child’s college costs; 1- You use savings to pay for a third, 2- A third from student loans, and 3- A third from future income.

The great thing about using this approach is that you can Start Saving for Your Kid’s College right now, with the knowledge that there are other places you can tap into when the time comes to pony up their college tuition.  In this article we will explore some ideas on how to get you going.

  • Start Early — Just like any other investment, you want to get started as soon as possible… the sooner the better.  It’s just common sense, the more time you have to save, the more money you can save and the more time your money has to grow.  Bank of America had this to say when discussing saving for your kid’s college: “…if you start investing when your child is born, just $100 a month invested at 4.5% interest can increase to more than $33,500 by the time your child is 18,”
  • 529 College Savings Plan — The easiest way to start saving for your kid’s college is a 529 college savings plan. With as little as $5 you can open one of these state-sponsored accounts.  You will see your money grow faster because the money is free of state and federal taxes.  Withdrawals are tax-free federally if they are used to pay for qualified education expenses.  This includes tuition, room and board, books and fees.In the meantime, the account owner, the parent, grandparent or other investor, retains control of the 529.  There is no need to worry that the child can access the account and spend the money on new clothes, electronics or blow it all on a fancy new car.

Start Saving for Your Kid’s College

  • Look for Scholarships — There are a bunch of scholarships and prizes out there that are specifically for paying for college.  The guidance counselor or financial aid advisor at your child’s school will be able to point you in the right direction when it comes to finding scholarships. You can also do some research on your own and check out the internet for websites help you find scholarships and college prize money.  There are many different programs that offer finding for college that will match your interests, needs, and qualifications.
  • Start a College Fund at Home — Involve your kids in saving for their own college.  Starting young, teaching your kids to save, not only will help with the expenses of college when the time comes, but it will teach them how to save and hopefully become financially responsible when they become an adult.
  • Prepaid Tuition Plans — Prepaid Tuition Plans or Prepaid College Plans are investment accounts that permit you to pay for your kid’s future college tuition at today’s prices. If you are lucky enough to have enough money to pay for college now, you could pay for all four-years of college that your kid won’t use for another 18 years. if you’re not able to pay for all of the college tuition now, you can prepay just a portion of your child’s college expenditures.
  • Get Out of Debt — It might sound strange in a list of how to save for your kid’s college, but if you are deep in debt, you will likely be able to just get by paying your essential bills, you will find it impossible to start saving for your kid’s college.

How To Go Out To Eat Without Spending A Lot Of Money

Go Out to Eat Without Spending a Lot of Money

With the rising costs of, well let’s face it… everything, taking the family out for dinner has become a luxury many families have given it up. I know for my family, eating out has changed from Chilli’s or Applebee’s to McDonald’s. It is just so expensive to eat out anymore.

According to, “The average American family spends $225 a month eating away from home – dinners eaten out, quick snacks grabbed, and coffees ordered and consumed on the run.”

In this article we are going to explore a few ways to save money eating out… making it possible to take the family out to eat on occasion without fear of breaking the bank.


  • Eat lunch instead of dinner. Going out to eat lunch can cost considerably less than taking the family out to dinner in the evening. Another advantage to going out to lunch instead of dinner, is that you are likely less hungry than you are at dinner time so you a better chance of eating less.
  • How about desert? Instead of taking the family out for a big dinner, consider going to an ice cream parlor for desert. You might even consider going to that restaurant you like so much, but just order deserts. It will be a fun change of pace and cost you much less.
  • Early-bird specials. Pack up the family and head out for dinner early. If you dine before 6 p.m., in most places you can take advantage of the early-bird special. I know, when you hear “Early-bird-special”, you think of a place full of elderly people. But the early-bird-special is not just for the retirees. You’ll find these specials are an outstanding way for families to save money.
  • Appetizers at home. Think about having a snack at home before you go out to eat. This will make you less hungry and hopefully you will be less inclined to order a huge meal… saving a few bucks!
  • Share a meal. Pick a restaurant that will allow you to share a meal, some places will not. Order a big entree and share it between you and your spouse… you can do the same for the kids.
  • Use coupons. Keep an eye out for a discount or coupon for your favorite restaurant. You can find these discounts on the internet, in the paper or local periodicals. Why pay full price on your next meal when you can get it at a discount?
  • Kids eat free. This is a big one that my family takes advantage of. One place comes to mind that has special days for kids to eat free… IHOP! The kids love it, they can get breakfast for dinner and the wife and I like it because it saves us quite a bit of money.
  • Fast food, dollar menu. You can save a bunch of money eating off of the dollar menu at your favorite fast food joint. Most all of the major fast food franchises offer a dollar menu. Just be careful of what you order… if you order a sandwich, fry and drink from the dollar menu, you might be able to get a similar “meal” for a little bit more but get much bigger sizes. You might be able to split a “regular” meal between two kids.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average American family spent over $2,505 on meals away from home in 2010. Down from 2008, it was $2,698, but that’s still a lot of money.

If you can cut your dining costs by just 30 percent, you’d be $751.50 richer within a year.

How to Look Great Without Spending a lot of Money

Look Great Without Spending Alot

Looking good often times involves spending a small fortune on personal care items or services and an updated wardrobe… or so we think.

No matter your personal style or budget, there are plenty of things you can do to look good that doesn’t cost any money at all. Below we will explore how you can look great without spending a lot of money, or no money at all.

  • Good Hygiene This is one of those things that should go without saying but there are many people who spend little money on their appearance, and look like it. Here are a few tips for looking like you spent money on your appearance when you didn’t:
    – Shower regularly. You know that fresh feeling and pleasant smell of clean soap when you get out of the shower? Well that great smell sticks with you long after you can’t smell it anymore. And is better for everyday use than perfume.
    -Your Hair. You don’t have to go to the salon every week to look like you take care of your hair. Keep your hair combed or brushed. It doesn’t cost anything to keep a brush in your purse or your desk at work. Take the time brush your hair throughout the day, especially at the end of the work day.
    – Your nails. Another one of those things where it is not necessary to pay a professional. Make sure you have a good pair of clippers and a nail file that you like. You will get compliments on your nails without spending a ton of money on regular manicures. You don’t even have to polish your nails, just keep your cuticles pushed back and trimmed, and they will look great.
  • Take Care of What you HaveWash your clothes according to the manufactures’ care label. How many of us actually read that label? Also, properly ironing your clothes will automatically make you look more put together than if you didn’t. If ironing is something you just hate to do, consider buying clothes that do not require it. Making sure you take care to hang or fold your clothes immediately after they are removed from the dryer will go along way in keeping what you have looking neat and tidy.
  • Borrow — Consider borrowing some nice clothes from a friend. If you have a special occasion and cannot afford to go out and buy a new dress or outfit, ask a friend that has some nice clothes if you can borrow something for the occasion. Be sure to return the items you borrow in a timely manner and be sure to bring them back cleaned and well cared for.
  • Accessories — Jewelery will finish off your put-together look and can be done on the cheap. Costume jewelery can look just as good as it’s expensive counterpart, just remember to keep an eye on the condition of it. If the metal starts to turn or other parts start to discolor, get rid of it. Nothing looks worse than cheap jewelry that looks cheap. Also stay away from big jewelry, stick with small, understated items. They will not overpower your outfit and add that finishing touch you are looking for.
  • Smile — Here’s one that is totally free and will do wonders for your appearance… Smile! Not only will smiling make you look better, it will make you feel better inside.
  • Don’t Slouch — Dermatologist Dr. Kathy Fields says that “Standing tall can have long-term benefits. “My mother-in-law is 93 years old and has amazing posture,” “”She looks at least 20 to 30 years younger because of it! It’s the cheapest tip on earth and good for your health.”
  • Thrift Store — Don’t rule out thrift stores when doing your clothes shopping. Many of us think that thrift and consignment stores are full of the worn out, used up items that people just don’t want anymore, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Most clothes that you will find in thrift and consignment stores are of high quality, and you may even find designer items for a fraction of their normal price!

So follow these tips and you can look and feel like you have spent a lot of money on your appearance when in reality only you will know that you did it all on a shoestring budget.

How to Move Ahead in Your Company


If you have been in the workforce for any amount of time I’m sure you have noticed that at any job there are those people who seem to get their job done and fit in better than others.  These are the people who are getting raises, promotions and all of the perks.  On the other hand, there are the workers that seem to be just “there”.  They don’t make waves, they are at work on time, get their job done, but just don’t seem to get the “perks” like the elite crew… often they wonder why they always getting passed over.

It is interesting that there always seems to be a split in workers.   Some people go to work, watch the clock, do their work and collect a check.  Yet others are constantly looking for ways to get ahead and be a contribution to the company.

If you have been at your job for a while and feel like you are starting to fall into that first group, here are a few tactics that can help you get ahead at your company, no matter what kind of work you do.

  • Act the part. You never get a second chance to make a first impression.  Cliché I know, but you want to make sure you dress and act professional at all times. Your clothing doesn’t need to be lavish for you to project credibility. It just needs to be suitable to the atmosphere where you work. If you want that big promotion, act the part, not only in your job performance but in the way you look too. Your co-workers, clients and managers or bosses will notice your actions and how you look the part.
  • Keep the negative to yourself.  No matter where you work or what job you do, there is always going to be an opportunity for negativity.  Don’t participate in the workplace gossip.  Even if your manager is asking questions and it seems like the perfect opportunity to voice your opinion about something negative, don’t do it. Even if your supervisors are looking for comments about other workers, restrain yourself from the negativity and seek for the positives.
  • Do your best.  Even if you are given what seems like a menial task, do it to the best of your ability and don’t fall victim to the temptation putting forth a menial effort.  Trust me; management will notice that you take a menial task as seriously as you do the important ones.
  • Do work no one else wants to do.  Stepping up when no one else is willing is the perfect way to get noticed. This doesn’t mean that you should overwork yourself but taking on extra responsibility, especially when you are not getting paid for it, will get you noticed and likely get you promoted so you do.
  • Stay updated on your industry.   Read all of the trade newsletters or other pertinent materials in order to keep you up-to-date on trends and technology. You never know how or when this information will become valuable.
  • Ask for More Responsibilities.  Volunteering to help out in other departments or simply asking for more responsibilities will increase your value within your company. When you ask for more work it shows that you have an interest and desire to be an asset to your department and company.
  • Be a leader. When tough situations happen, every place of work benefits from having someone they can count on as a leader. Be that person.  Be the person who speaks for the workers during a meeting. Be that guy who always helps people out when they’re having a tough time. Eventually, you’ll find that your co-workers will start to come to you by default.  Management will see you as a natural leader.

Now while you’re doing all of these things, remember to keep doing the main parts of your job to a high standard. If you fail to do your job properly, you will surely get noticed…  but for all the wrong reasons!

10 Great Cheap Crafts For Your Kids

finger puppets

Looking to have a fun time with your kids, teach them about following directions and how to build things, all without breaking the bank? Well, we will look at 10 great cheap crafts to entertain your kids and keep your budget intact.

  1. Make your own Pinata! Help your kids make their own pinata in this entertaining and simple activity. This project calls for paper mache and finger paint to create a party pinata everyone will love.
  2. Ceramic Photo Coasters! These really cool coasters use simple ceramic tiles and inexpensive supplies that can be had at your local hardware store.
  3. Minions Finger Puppets! Despicable Me is all the Rage and you kids will have hour of fun with these easy and cheap to make finger puppets.
  4. Melted Bead Bowl! This is a great craft that kids can do for fun or as a Father’s or Mother’s day gift.
  5. Maracas Instruments! This is a fun and musical project for the whole family.
  6. Melted Crayon Rocks! Her’s a cool project that uses all of those old and broken crayons that until now you had no idea what to do with.
  7. Bug Hotel! This is a great learning project and one to keep and create outside.
  8. Toilet Roll Lanterns! Start saving your empty toilet paper rolls for this entertaining and creative project.
  9. Homemade Finger Paint! You can use this fun project to prepare for other fun projects by making your own finger paint.
  10. Autumn Hand Print Tree! This is cheap and easy project just in time for Fall.

With some planning and very little money, you can have fun with your kids and keep them busy and interested… in something other than video games!

10 Cheap Ways to Plan a Family Meal


If your grocery spend seems like it has gotten out of control and every time you get home from the grocery store, everyone still says, “There’s nothing to eat!”, you might consider “meal planning”.

With conscientious planning, you will be able to know ahead of time what you are going to make for every meal and will have all of the ingredients you need right there at home in order to prepare each meal. What’s more important is that your grocery spending will become more manageable because you have planned your meals.

With meal planning you will create a shopping list that corresponds with the meals you plan to prepare. While you are at it, you will be able to actually make healthier meals for your family all the while significantly cutting your grocery bill. That’s not to say you can’t occasionally have that frozen pizza or hamburger helper, but by planning your meals you be able to make healthy eating easier.

Let’s take a look at 10 ways you can plan your meals and make them inexpensive:

  1. The Master Menu — Get input from everyone in the family as to what there favorite meals are. Make a list of 10-20 meals and sort them in order of meals that are quick and don’t require many ingredients to the more complicated. Also group your meals by category… crock-pot dishes, chicken, beef, soups, side dishes… this will make it easier to create your shopping list.

    Get together the recipes for each dish (if you need it) and keep them in a dedicated binder that you can refer to when creating your shopping list.

  2. Set a Budget — Make a realistic budget for each week or month. You might consider using an envelope for your shopping money to keep you from going over budget. And be sure to keep track of all of your spending, this way you can see what you have spent and if there is a way to make changes in order to save more money.
  3. Use Your Leftovers — According to the EPA over 36 tons of food waste reaches US landfills each year. Don’t just let food go bad in the fridge, if you keep leftovers in zip-lock bags be sure to write the date that you put it in the fridge and the “best by” date on there also. You can find out how long you should keep leftovers by visiting When making you meal plan, plan to use leftovers as ingredients in another meal. Letting leftovers go bad in the refrigerator is just like throwing money away.
  4. Cook in Batches — There are an abundance of cheap meals you can make for your family that you can prepare in bulk. Doing this will save you serious amount of time not to mention money. Divide into individual meals and pack them away in the freezer.
  5. Coupons, coupons, coupons — You don’t have to be like those people you see on TV that get $500 worth of groceries for $2.00, that would be nice, but it does pay off to clip coupons for the items that you have on your shopping list. This is a sure fire way to save some cash at the store.
  6. Use Cheaper Cuts of Meat — It is not necessary to spend a ton of money on meat, you can buy a cheaper cut and prepare it the correct way, and it will be just as good as the expensive cuts. And remember, a slow cooker can make even the toughest cut of meat, fall-apart tender.
  7. Compare Prices — If you have a smart phone use on of the many apps like Grocery Pal to compare prices. “This amazing app points you toward weekly sales at your local supermarkets and discount stores. Download Grocery Pal today and find savings from stores such as SAFEWAY, CVS/pharmacy, Walmart, Walgreens, RiteAid, Target, ALDI, Kmart, Dollar General, Family Dollar, Albertsons, H-E-B, Harris Teeter, any many many more!”
  8. Sacrifice — No one likes the sound of that but if you say drink more water as opposed to milk and juice, you will find yourself saving some dough. Consider “watering down” the juice you give your thirsty kids, after awhile they won’t even notice the difference.
  9. Cut Back on Meats and Desserts — Or at least buy the cheaper cuts of meat and make your own desserts as opposed to the prepackaged desserts.
  10. Buy in Bulk — The initial expense might be more but if you buy larger quantities of items like canned goods that will keep, you can see a big savings.

With a little planning and some frugal shopping, you will be able to have all of your meals planned out, know exactly what you are buying when you go to the grocery store and more importantly, cut your meal budget and save a considerable amount of money you spend on food.